Raising your vibration
Are you in a funk? Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Lost in the whirlwind of crazy energy that has been going on of late?
It is all too easy to get lost in our thoughts, in the political environment, and particularly as I write the Corona-virus that is having enormous impact on the globe.
We can quickly get sucked down the drainpipe and lost in what is happening in the world. And I know for the sensitive souls out there it can be incredibly challenging to not to let the current environment sway you.
I am so grateful for my daily practices and tools that I have at close at hand that allow me to raise my vibration and have me back to a frequency that I want it to be, where life is not so hard.
I am so grateful for my daily practices and tools that I have at close at hand that allow me to bring my vibration back to where I want it to be.
Raising your vibration is important, not only because it affects you and your comings & goings, but because each of our individual vibrations has an impact on the collective. If you raise your vibration, you raise the collectives.
FIRST, What do we mean by vibration?
We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency which we feel in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and with this the heavier your problems will feel. Here you may experience tension or discomfort in your physical body, and you may feel heavy emotions, and brain fog and a lack of clarity - basically you are in a funk. It takes a lot more effort to accomplish goals. You can feel stuck, and your energy is darker. Common emotions may include anger, jealousy, guilt, despair, guilt, shame, and anxiety.
Conversely, the higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you will feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. You will be in a state of authentic personal power, with clarity, and feel at peace. We are literally full of light! You will feel little emotional or physical pain and your life flows with ease, as you manifest what you desire.
There are a number of tools that you can employ to raise your vibration, and they are all quite simple and they don’t take much to put into practice.
Here’s a few of my favourite HIGH VIBE TOOLS for you:
Move your body.
Or rather let your body move you. This is not the time to pull out an orchestrated dance move, or to head for a gym workout and sweat it out. Put on some music, ground your feet, and slowly let your body take over in a moving meditation. Dance it out. Shake your body, stomp your feet and RELEASE.
2. Connect with Mother Nature.
Walk bare foot on the grass, or hug a tree. Seriously. If there is a beautiful tree near you go up and introduce yourself, stare up at it reaching into the sky and wrap your hands around it and let your heart beat with the pulse of the earth. Even a few minutes spent mindfully outdoors can completely shift your mood.
3. Turn off all your technology.
Get away from the computer, phone and telly. These are energy drainers. Instead, go and PLAY, be creative. Write. Do something tactile.
3. Consume mindfully.
Avoid dense and processed foods, canned foods, sugar and oil. Instead choose raw, organic and unprocessed whole foods. Steer clear of alcohol and other toxins. You are what you eat.
4. Breathe.
Breathe deeply, in long resonant breaths. Extend the length of your in and exhales and soak in the pause in between. The breath is our primary and natural tool to cleanse our bodies and release toxins, and you can do it anywhere. Simple deep breaths will work, or try to the ‘Box Breath’, 4 counts in, pause for 4, 4 out, pause for four. If you want to go further check out Wim Hof, he’s some fantastic breathing practices that really light you up.
5. Pay a compliment or give some praise that comes straight from the heart.
A feeling of expansion, lightness, and happiness will take over your being, and that right there is the shift you are looking for. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being
6. Meditate.
The past and the future are only in your mind; the only truth is now. Your meditation practice doens’t need to be a traditional seated pose. It might involve a Sit Spot practice in nature, allowing Mother Earth to bring awareness to all your senses. Perhaps a moving meditation through a quiet yoga practice. Or a guided mediation, such as on a fave app of mine Insight Timer. A gentle mindful meditation practice in which you allow your thoughts to come, and go without attachment allows your mind to still. It is when the mind is quiet and the body still that the real truth may be revealed. This will also calm your nervous system, improve your mood, and bring about greater feelings of peace.
7. Choose conscious language and content for the mind.
Your thoughts, speech and actions create the reality that surrounds you. Become more aware of the vibrational quality of what you think, say and do. Be discerning about what you feed your mind. Most of the messages we receive each day are negative. Proactively seek out content, information, environments and people that are positive, honest, inspiring and informative. What you focus on expands and manifests. Choose an affirmation that resonates to repeat to yourself when the time calls for it.
“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” –Abraham-Hicks
8. Make a gratitude practice a habit.
As life coach Tony Robbins said, “You can't feel fear or anger while feeling gratitude at the same time.” Therefore, when you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to that of gratitude. Make the practice of gratitude a habit, and it will transform your outlook on life. You will start to experience joy in the moment as you gain a greater spiritual awareness and appreciation for the little things.
9. Surround yourself with beauty.
Declutter to create more space for clarity and peace. A supportive and beautiful environment does so much for my state of mind, and can ease tension immediately.
When you are in a higher vibration, you are an example to everyone. Choosing the light of a higher vibration requires a firm commitment to it. Being in a higher vibration is going to become more and more important to you and the rest of the world as we experience greater awareness of the polarities between the lower and higher vibrations.
The higher you vibrate the more you will stand out, you may start to feel like you don’t fit in and this could feel uncomfortable. But know that you will be able to find people who resonate at a higher vibration and can support you to keep your light shining bright.
Do you have tools that guide you to a higher vibrational place? I’d love to know! Drop me a comment below.