Bring the light
You are here for a reason. This time more than ever you are required to step into and bring your light to dispel the fear that is rippling through our families, businesses, and towns.
You are paramount in this paradigm shift.
Why? Because things can’t go back to the way they were.
But it requires us to keep spreading the light.
Otherwise things will simply go back to the way they were before. Otherwise no one will receive the messages and lessons from this collective experience, people won’t step up to be part of a more conscious world, the levelling we are experiencing will be of no avail, that systems won’t change, and this this will be forgotten like the Australian bushfires… no unification, no paradigm shift, no embracing the feminine.
Without you everything will be the same, same, same.
I harbour this fear that everyone will choose Netflix, Instagram,indulging in self-victimisation, and chocolate instead of engaging in this incredible opportunity for spiritual growth and collective awakening.
Then I realised that I have a choice here.
One choice is to continue to be frustrated with all the ‘less-awoke’ people hoarding toilet paper and cat food who send furtive looks of fear in my direction is one of the choices.
The other is to show up, be a messenger, and spread the light. And to encourage YOU to do the same.
Ironically getting to the light requires us to engage in the oft painful practice of looking with complete awareness and non-judgement at our darkest shadows. We need to see what is wrong in the right now, acknowledge how we contribute to it, and own the fears that arise in us. We need to walk the dark to fully integrate with the light. A lightworker is the spiritually mature, the lightworker is not the naive and baby-faced angel. The lightworker is the one who knows the shadow intimately and continues to work with it to bring more of the light in.
You probably wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t echoing inside of you.
So I’m calling you now, to work your light and spread it.
That’s right. Express yourself. Own you worth. Keep being and doing what you are called to do.
I acknowledge that this is no easy time to do so. Fear is ripe and all pervasive right now. Totalitarian measures are being put in place, people are losing jobs, small businesses are closing, more and more people around the world are sick and dying, your neighbours are afraid, you are afraid, the grocery stores are being pillaged. We don’t know what will happen.
It is natural then to find some days you wake up and feel the surrounding energy so immensely that it drags you down, you may go out for essentials and feel fear permeate your field, you be genuinely worried for the lives of people you know and love, and with no clue how to manage your finances now you have lost your job.
Get acquainted with these feelings.
Indeed the only way to release them is to get really intimate with them and feel them. They are important messages to you and not to be bypassed. You may need to sit in it, cry with it, if you haven’t yet fully faced what is going on. Do so with compassion and without judgement. There is no shame in fear, anger, or sadness. These are unprecedented times.
But choose not to dwell there.
Choose instead to bring your energy up. We need you to bring the light.
We need YOU to bring the light.
You don’t dance because you are happy. You are happy because you dance. Raising your vibration from funk to light is a constant and conscious choice.
To bring the light:
1. Get present, be aware of what you are feeling and sensing.
2. Then choose a better thought. From “I will get sick”, to “I am working to build my immune system and acting responsibly which will significantly decrease my chances of falling ill, and if I do I have a first-class health system to support me”.
3. Allow that new thought to permeate your being and bring yourself up to a place of neutrality.
4. Recognise that this is happening for us, not to us. You are no victim here.
5. Then from this point choose a practice that helps you become present. Practice until you are out of your head and in your body. This is a practice that makes you feel GOOD and connects you to your essential being-ness.
6. Practices such as shamanic shaking, dancing, guided meditation, chanting, gardening in the sunshine, breath work... whatever helps you raise your energy up - see here for more. You shouldn't feel any shame for doing what makes you feel good. It raises your vibration and you become a beacon of light.
7. Then show up.
8. Express yourself. Celebrate your wins. If your business is still running celebrate it! Be the positive beacon of light that only someone who has embodied and walked the dark can be.
Be clear, this is not about being dismissive of what is going on, or being under a delusion that everything is fine. Nothing is fine right now. Everything is unpredictable, we don’t know what messages to believe about the current state of the world, or what will happen, and in this disruption our very beliefs and illusions are being stripped away.
But this is where the opportunity lies!
Don’t let it pass by with a dismissive platitude aka “this too shall pass”. Rise up!
Do you want to ride this out? Or do you want to rise up and become a better version of yourself?
I’m calling you to RISE up.
Share the light in any way that you can, in the ways that you do best. This might be check-in messages, posts on your news feed helping people overcome their fears, giving support through food drops, sharing tonic and home medicines, holding virtual space, dropping notes in to your neighbours, calling loved ones, re-framing your limiting beliefs and helping others to do the same, sharing your personal energy raising practices online for all to see, choosing your words purposefully to avoid the spread of fear, rocking your business, or your outfits, or your videos, just simply be an example to others of how to walk in the dark to find the light.
Bring the light.
Together we can dispel the fear.
I’m counting on you. We’re in this together.
We are happy because we dance