Hi! Iā€™m Jess

Welcome to my work & my world

I grew up in outback Australia, surrounded by trees and animals. This upbringing has informed how I move with the world.

I became a psychologist, until I became disenchanted in the hierarchical & medicalised approach I found myself in and I exited with a yearning for true impact and ways to go deeper. I travelled abroad & began a career in the humanitarian field but got disillusioned by the western-dominant value system that was imposed upon people and their ways of living.

I became increasingly lost, until a series of events led me to embodiment. It was through somatic healing and embodiment practice that I came back to my body, my heart, myself.

Life now takes on different textures and flavours, richness and depth.

It is this what I want to leave with this world, the invitation to come home, home to the beauty, love, wisdom and possibility within you, to have this spill forth into every aspect of your life, and in the doing so create the ripple effects that will have us all leave this world a better place.

While still holding that we get to be beautiful, messy, real, ever-learning humans. For that is what we are.

And so here we are.

Thank you for being here.