Change ahead
We’ve all been brought up in a culture that prides doing over feeling. Life is results oriented and linear. We go to school study a set curriculum, strive for better grades, compete for prizes and positions. Further your study, expand your mind, and attain necessary qualifications as the entry point into a career. Enter the workforce and be assigned problems to solve, projects to complete, emails to write, more striving, more vying for positions or acclamation’s. Work hard to earn more money. Do attractive side projects and side hustles. Start a family, more of the same but multiplied. A busy, and hyper-masculine world. Investing our life-force energy into the never-ending list of things that need to get done.
Life is planned, lists are written, calendars are scheduled. Decisions are made by stewing on them for day on end, twirling options around in our heads, pro’s and con’s drawn, expert opinions sought, we rationalise one over the other.
Drink alcohol to relax, party to have fun. Take sleeping pills to sleep. Binge on food. Binge on Netflix. Anything to avoid the boredom of just being with yourself, and to keep at bay feelings you can’t feel, but lie under the surface masquerading as indecision, malaise, stuck-ness, overwhelm, anxiety, or depression.
Life in the numb-lane.
Disconnected and disembodied.
But we aren’t even aware that we are. Because when we’re numb everything’s turned down. Its easy, life goes on with its ups and downs. Something comes up and we might turn to an expert to heal us, a doctor, psychologist, or a kinesiologist. Hand the problem over, and sometimes that guidance and anchor is needed because it isn’t nice or easy diving into the depths of painful emotions and uncovering your wounds.
This is my story, as I’m sure it is many of yours.
As I began to feel the claustrophobic clouds of burnout loom, I turned to meditation, yoga, and reiki to heal and turn inward, to find some light and bring calm. Beautiful approaches and practices that I still continue today… yet from the vantage point I have now these practices still had me seeking wisdom outside of my body, tuning into a wedded but also higher and external consciousness. I would be in my body only transcend it.
Then motherhood.
It cracked something deep inside and I began to deeply explore the exciting polarity of the feminine and masculine principles.
As I understood that the masculine is consciousness, intellect, our head, the directive, penetrating, and do-go currents, and the feminine is the physical manifest, creative, destructive, death, life, embodied, the feeling, flowing, emotional currents, I felt as though I was missing out.
I learnt of the long, long history of oppression, the covert and obvious means of suppression under the patriarchal paradigm.
I witnessed that I, and most of us, are really great at embodying our masculine, for this is the society that we were raised in.
And it dawned on me that we weren’t taught how to honour or embrace the feminine principle.
I have since taken on personal practices to unearth this long repressed feminine energy, practices that have led me into my body, to listen to the wisdom of my body first, not my head. But OH! the struggle, please, I’d rather read and learn! I’d rather spend my time being productive, because this what I learnt to base my value on.
But in committing to inhabiting my body I found I was experiencing myself more than I ever had before. I was listening to the world though my body.
Increasingly I found myself guiding my clients into their body to find the answers, without exactly knowing what I was doing, but finding myself more drawn to what their body had to say rather than their heads.
Called by this I began to seek out methods and theories to support this, and a few months ago embarked on a certification to become a Feminine Embodiment coach. I weighed this up, was I just wanting another certification, was this constant desire to learn distracting me from other priorities? So I left it. Unsure. Then 8 months later I revisited the course, and my body said a resounding yes.
And day by day I have expanded my personal practice and found myself diving into the feelings and sensations that flow and course through my body. I have embraced them, expressed them, and in doing so I have received clarity, tapped into the inner knowing without hesitation, felt pleasure in the everyday, moved through long, long held grief and trauma, understanding so, so much more about myself, and have awakened the aliveness, that I had spent years and years numbed to before.
This is juicy work. And it is changing the mode of Dorothy Way.
My training is in psychology. But I’m leaving the restrictive label behind.
The clinical work however is no longer aligned with me. This professional-patient dyad is one I have never felt comfortable in, for it required me to see you as ‘broken’, and me as the ‘fixer’. And I knew that while you might receive help for a current problem and perhaps a new perspective, that we were both seeking ‘results’, and that too never sat well.
For we loop and swirl, and cycle, ever evolving
but not really moving forward (although we sometimes like to think so).
So, what will you see Here now?
Coaching that is stepped in depth first, direction second. That will lead you into your body and out of your mind. Coaching is suitable for any women that desires MORE out of her life, who has an inkling that her feminine is a great but under-tapped essence and wants in.
It’s for the woman who wants to empower herself. Who wants to take responsibility in her life, and in that, I mean by allowing herself to be the expert, and allow me to partner with you to guide you to your radiant true self. I’m not here to heal you. I’m here to allow you to shine. It is for you if you want to:
Release something that you don’t want around anymore.
Uncover and transcend limiting beliefs.
Receive clarity.
Embrace all of yourself.
Feel your worth, step into your full power.
Do so with pleasure.
Intrigued? Book in a discovery call here.
There is so much juice here, and it’s changing my life and I know it can yours too.
There is more…. opportunities that will bring together everything I’ve learnt, experienced, and am still learning, to awaken your full and wild essence, and some teasers for those that like to get their toes wet first.
Stay tuned! For there are exciting times ahead.
The feminine IS rising. And she’s undeniable.
If you are feeling the call, you aren’t alone…