Do you want to feel the power & richness that arrives when you become fully & unapologetically, alive?

To the careerbabes, entrepreneurs, leaders & mama’s who feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself along the way…

I see you.

You’ve tried #allthethings, double downed on your self-care, tried EFT, yoga, and couples counselling… and sure you feel better for 5 minutes,

but you’re still lying awake in bed at night next to your husband with a bewildering, sad, emptiness in your heart..

Everything is fine, but also it’s not.

You want MORE. You want more of you, more of life, more of love. You want to know who you are from you tips to your toes, and to relish in it. You want to walk through life in that effortless, evocative way that women who are awash in their own aliveness do, and you want to experience a life that isn’t something you just settle for, but is one that is rich and full of possibility.

But how do you find it?

The thing is…

There are very few spaces that will acknowledge a woman’s unique source of power.

There aren’t many opportunities that invite you to travel deep inside the landscape of your heart and listen to the whispers of your knowing.

There is next to nothing that beckons the real you forth, let alone feeds the rivers of your aliveness..

And without any of that we get lost, without any of that you can’t find your way back to YOU.


Dropping your keys on the table you feel your partner’s eyes land upon you. With a long exhale you turn, take the phone out of his hands and meet that flicker in his eyes … and thoughts of dinner pre disappear.

You walk into the boardroom with effortless conviction, the words flow like honey because it’s easy being & bringing your fully-fed self.

You take lunch under a tree, following the dance of shadow & light in the leaves, you feel it dancing upon your skin, a smile spreads from low in your belly… god it feels good when life really gets in.

What’s going on?

… it’s like your entire state of being has shifted, your availability for life has expanded and the ripple-out effects are wild

…there is so much more of you

You’re creativity is on overflow, you’ve got that easy confidence that speaks volumes, people are stopping you on the street, & you’ve got that simmering spark back that has you oh-so eager to get home to your man.

and life is oh-so sweet again.

As modern day women we have been told that we can have it all

and to a point you can - you have so much more freedom and choice than you’ve ever had before,

but as the world speeds up and the demands increase you can’t help but lose your connection to yourself and to your body, the wellspring of your aliveness, pleasure and power. 

Stress and overwhelm lead to a persistent lack of internal safety and numbness, which you try to avoid through ‘coping’ mechanisms like binge eating, incessant scrolling, and overworking… only serving to exacerbate physical closures and patterns of thinking and behaving that have you unable to let go and let life in.

And that ^ is what leaves you undernourished, unmet and unseen on a physical, emotional and soul level, when you were born to be so deeply fed and moved by life that your essence emanates in powerful and pleasurable ripples out of you.

It all looked good on paper, I had the growing career, exotic lifestyle, designer handbag & bougie wedding, but inside I was empty, struggling and sad

I worked too much, binged food to push my stress away, numbed out on online shopping sprees & Gossip Girl re-runs (I know), and got increasingly disconnected from myself .

Then, I fell pregnant and started to reconnect with the mysterious power of my body & who I was as a woman. I got my mojo back, replaced anxious effort-ing with easeful, receptive confidence, and found an exquisite baseline of joy that came with finally allowing life in again.

I don’t have a five-step strategy or a magic hack, but I do know how to guide you home to your fully-alive, embodied essence, so that you can live a life that is true, turned on and resolutely you.

I’ll take you to places you’ve never been before, so you leave as you were born to be - awash with power, pleasure and possibility from tip to toe ✨. 

Feminine Embodiment, embodied coaching, embodied woman

I know first-hand the pain that comes with not having this.

My clients come for the depth and holy-sh*t embodied wisdom, and stay for the expansive states of pleasure, real chat & lols, which all become an innate part of the wizardry that happens when we work together.

Here’s what they say:

  • I've released emotion that I didn’t even realise was there. I’ve let go of the shame that had my sexuality deeply unexpressed. I’ve expanded my internal capacity to hold more of my aliveness, including the depths of my big emotions. I feel my truth and hold boundaries with love, there’s more permission for creative expression and in healing past trauma stored in my body I have opened myself up to receive more love and intimacy with my partner.


  • I am so deeply grateful for the grounded strength you held for me as I found my way home…I left each session feeling empowered, gracious and bloody amazing!!


  • I received way more than I thought I would... My gosh. I came away with ME. My wild, unapologetic, complicated, salty, loving self. I came away knowing myself, and who I am and being more okay with myself that I ever have. I left behind so much shame, anger, confusion. I uncovered some things that were the cause of a lot of suffering, and I learnt to let them go.


  • Before I felt terrible, extremely disconnected from myself and suppressed/suffocating (emotionally) by keeping my feelings buried. My experience was WONDERFUL. I feel a greater sense of who I am and I get to be me.


  • During my time spent with Jess I felt a power and truth in my body and mind I have never experienced before. For the first time, I believe in my whole life, I consciously knew that I was capable of achieving all I wanted in my life and more.


  • Just do it! Because the version of you that awaits at the end your time together, will be the closest to the true you you’ve been in far too long! It’s the version of you that’s been yearning to be seen and fully expressed! It’s the true you, so connected to your deepest truth and essence….and alive! This isn’t just a gift to you, it’s a gift to every soul that you know and will come to know.





For the modern-day woman who aches for more…

who wants to be in deep and intimate relationship with herself, her body, her loved ones, and her life,

and to feel the potency and power that comes with reclaiming the full aliveness of your inner woman,

this is where we bring your full, genuine, wild and delicious embodied essence to the fore, so that you can be saturated with life and love, and move through the world in powerful and pleasure-fuelled ways. 

This is a 3 or 6 month container that is deep & wide as it is rich, and entirely bespoke to your needs. Available via application only, if I think we’re a good fit and I can support you exactly the way you want & need to be (I’ll be honest if I can’t!), then BBY, hold onto your hat, I’ll be in touch because we’re going all in!

Tell Me What’s Included

  • Pre-ignition questionnaire

    First we get to the heart of what you really want. We’ll cement where you want to go, who you want to be, and have you drooling in anticipation of what’s about to transpire. 

  • Weekly Somatic Coaching Sessions

    Each session supports you to get to the root of what’s going on & embody the fullness of who you’re here to be, in line with your specific desires. This is a body-based approach that creates the safety in your nervous system to rewire patterns of numbness, overwhelm & control and enter a place of connection, knowing & playful receptivity that literally alters who you are. Leave pleasure-filled, powerful & dancing in possibility.

  • Tailored At Home Practices

    You’ll receive recorded embodiment practices, rituals, and self-enquiries to do at home, created bespoke to your needs & desires so you can land back in your magic, again and again and again. These are yours to keep forever-ever. 

  • Totally Held Support

    Have around the clock access to me via What’s App. Pop in with absolutely anything - venting, celebrations, or to receive some Q&A support and know what it is to be in a space that truly holds you. I’ll respond within 48hrs Tues-Friday 9-4pm with all the love

Is it for me?

If you are a woman who:

  • Overworks and overthinks until the point of exhaustion

  • Slips into people-pleasing a little more than you’d like

  • Doesn’t feel met, seen or loved the way you desire

  • Feels like something is missing and like you’ve settled when there feels like there’s so much more out there for you

  • Feels trapped in a self-imposed bubble of ‘smallness’ that has you doing what you “should” do rather than what you dream to do

  • Hides or disowns parts of yourself, in order to be accepted

  • Overextends yourself, your boundaries, and your energy to the detriment of your own peace & wellbeing

  • Desires to walk through the world with more confidence, ease, and joy but feels stuck


Essence is perfect for you if:

  • you are going through a big transition (divorce, career-change, babies, cycle-changes, health challenges, or something more soul-level internal) that has you rethinking who you are and what you want from life

  • you’re at a reckoning point, and you’re ready to choose to live your life in ways that are regenerative, liberating and deeply satisfying

  • you know that reclaiming your essence is the critical golden thread that amplifies & elevates every area of your life and the best gift to those who come into your life

  • you get that somatic, embodied work is depth work and will touch you on the most fundamental level, and it’s this you crave

  • you are ready to leave our first session beaming, so excited to who you will be by the end.

You’ll know if you’re my kinda woman if:

  • you desire depth, intimacy, honesty and things that actually work

  • you ain’t a victim & you know you don’t need ‘fixing’

  • you envision a better future, and want to craft a new way forward - whether its via the way you raise your children, the art you make, or the way you share your voice with the masses, but you know in your bones this work is revolutionary.

  • you care less about the “look“, and more about the feel.

  • you value truth, integrity, coherence, relationships, and life

  • you understand that this isn’t a fix-all for all your problems, but rather an opportunity to lean further in and embrace the raw, exquisite messiness of life, and realise your own becoming with it.

My work is deep but playful & incredibly rich. If the above feels like a fit, I’d love for you to reach out`

Your Investment

The private all-inclusive container with Jess is an AU $3333 / month investment

for a minimum of 3 months

My guarantee to you

The holy-cow self belief, delicious connection, and life-changing results that happen for my 1:1 clients are like nothing else,

because here your body leads, your aliveness is fuelled, and legit- nothing is as powerful as this.

This is a place where magic happens. 

However if after our first month you don’t find it’s a fit we can bring the container to a close early with zero hard feelings. I want you to feel like we’re in this together. 

If you’re umming & ahhing and would feel better supported to make a decision by hopping on a short connection call, you’re welcome to book one here


  • If you’re holding your breath, shame warming your cheeks worried that you’ve got too much scary baggage, I want you to close your eyes and take a big long exhale. If there’s one truth is that we are all messy, imperfect humans, and leaning into that beautiful, vulnerable truth is part of this magic. Nothing is ever too much (or too little), just as nothing is ever off limits. Here I welcome everything that you are with big wide open arms … and celebrate it.

  • Many of my clients share that they’ve been to therapy and they find it so draining and exhausting, and can be reluctant to try something else because they’re already holding so much. 

    Ugh. My approach is radically different to traditional types of therapy and healing, I purposely interweave pleasure, play and possibility through each session to nourish, uplift and expand you. However this doesn’t mean we bypass the tender truth, you will meet places that feel vulnerable but we will always move at the pace of love which means that if you’re ripe & ready to dissolve a new edge, we’ll go there, but without any abrasive push, or excavation that takes you past your limits.

    The overarching intention is that your nervous system feels deeply satisfied - not more wound up!

  • The unknown is a rich place to start. And it’s entirely perfect. This journey is meandering, non-linear and surprising. We don’t follow a plan because I trust that your body will reveal to you something beyond what either of us could envisage. Lean into the support that I offer to receive exactly what you need. 

  • Here we drop into the sensation level of the body, to encounter a ‘language’ and intelligence that goes beyond cognitive thought. The bodies innate impulse to thrive leads us to resolve past trauma imprints and nervous system patterns that prevent your energy and aliveness to flow. As we progress more and more of what makes you ‘you’ is revealed, in often surprising, mysterious, and beautiful ways. Each session is unique, as each person is unique, but ultimately trust is placed in your body as it knows you best.

I see a future where turned on, lit-up, deliciously connected women are the norm

If you feel this too I invite you to reclaim your

Like my client Santhiya said,

“this is not only a gift to yourself, but it’s one that gives to everyone and everything around you”. 

And it’s true. There’s nothing more fundamentally important and life-giving than you, in your body, in full reclamation of your essence.

I can’t wait to work with you.