The Mother Revolution

Live Masterclass - catch the replay

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If you’re done feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and like you don’t even know who you are anymore…

It’s time to join THE MOTHER REVOLUTION.

Most mothers are so busy focusing on support their family to flourish and thrive, but miss out on the most important piece in the picture.


Not only has society denigrated the role of mother to not much more than a babysitter and housekeeper, we’ve forgotten about the woman behind the mother.

Without you knowing who you are and feeling deeply rooted and resourced from within mothering will be, and feel, harder than it needs to.

Yet something profound happens when the Mother is put at the centre.

For when a woman is deeply grounded in who she is, enriched by her vast inner resources, and seated in her power she is in turn more present, playful, and connected with her loved ones. And not is navigating the days with greater ease, she is THE model to her children for what it is to be seated in your truth.

Are you ready to revolutionise Motherhood?

In this masterclass with Feminine Embodiment Coach Jessica Staskiewicz we will cover principles and practices to Mothering in an embodied way.

Key Details:

  • 1 hour (ish) workshop

  • Covering the Maiden to Mother journey, and the embodied of the Mother in her true form aka the return to self

  • Held live in a private Facebook group

  • Replay available to watch at any time if you didn’t make it live.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You have a lingering sense of loss for the woman you were…

  • You aren’t entirely sure who you are anymore

  • You sometimes (or often) find yourself overwhelmed, exhausted, and lost

  • You have difficulty and/or feel guilty about allowing yourself to really rest

  • You want to parent the way you desire to

  • You are ready to come back to YOU, to feel good, nourished, and like you are giving and living from the overflow.

If this sounds like you and you’d like to be a part of The Motherhood Revolution

Join me.

Pop your details in below to watch the replay.


     About Jess...

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    Hi! Thank you for being here!

    I'm Jess Staskiewicz (she/her), an Australian Feminine Embodiment Coach. I've been in the world of feminine embodied since 2017 and founded the School of Embodied Awakening in 2021. 

    Everywhere I look, be it at mama’s, at businesswomen, or entrepreneurs I see burn-out and disconnect, and an incredible need for us to return to a feminine and embodied way of being. Not only for ourselves, but for our loved ones, community, and Earth. 

    Through my own experiences as a former psychologist and high-achieving career woman-come-single mother I have learnt to how to unsubscribe and unwind myself from our mind-first, burn-out culture, and have landed home in an embodied and nourishing way of being, mothering and working, This has transferred into a growing abundance in terms of my energy, creativity, expression, connection, and money. I’m still in the journey, I likely always will be, but I’m here to share what I’ve learnt along the way in The Mother Revolution.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    x Jess


    Sign up for The Mother Revolution below!